2021 Bahrain Women’s Intensive Final Showcase
After months of virtual programming, we have the pleasure of hosting the members of the 2021 Bahrain Women’s Intensive at Halcyon, culminating in their Final Showcase. In partnership with AWS, Halcyon launched the 2021 Bahrain Women’s Intensive with the mission of supporting early-stage, women-founded tech startups based in Bahrain. This is an opportunity for the greater Halcyon community to meet these fellows for the first time, learn more about their exciting ventures, and get a glimpse of the most exciting emerging tech social enterprise leaders in the Gulf region!
events Details
10:25am | Zoom Room Opens
10:30am | Welcome remarks
10:45am | Pitches begin
11:10am | Closing remarks
11:15am | events concludes
This virtual events is being hosted on Zoom. After registering, keep an eye on your email for a link to join the events. We’ll send you that link again shortly before the events begins!
Please contact Intensives Manager Maggie Goff at m.goff@halcyonhouse.org with any questions or to discuss any accommodations.