Since volunteering at the Georgetown Stroke Clinic twelve years ago, Casey has lived and breathed all things neuro. She researched Parkinson’s disease for five…
Catalyst IV Change is empowering communities of color to identify and solve their own challenges using big data and community engagement tools. NMCL recruits…
Cherry Blossom Intimates offers breast cancer survivors across the nation completely customizable, fully insurance billable breast prosthetics custom created with 3-D printing technology with…
Chibueze Ihenacho is CEO and Co-Founder of ARMR Systems. A graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology with a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Chibueze has…
Chloe Varelidi is the inventor of follies, an award-winning toy that turns kids into architects of their own playground. An architect herself- turned play designer,…
Chris Lis graduated from Yale-NUS College with a degree in Mathematical, Computational, and Statistical Sciences. Chris has over 12 years of experience in software…
Clean Decisions creates a pathway to jobs, careers, and business ventures for returning citizens. Along the way, Clean Decisions creates a safe place where returning…