VaxiGlobal is a vaccination verification service where clinicians who administer vaccines for travel or immigration purposes are verified, and in partnership with Simprints, contactless…
Vedette Gavin is a public health leader and Case Western Reserve University instructor who has built successful community interventions to stem disparities. She is…
Venki Energy revolutionizes rooftop solar with its groundbreaking Monto™ removable racking system, enabling true subscription-based solar with no upfront costs or long-term commitments. By…
Vernee is an instructional designer from Oakland, California; and a Houston, Texas Transplant. She spent four years as a Vice President for an education franchise company where…
Vexxel develops smart biocapsules that provide stability to active compounds, aiming to reduce or eliminate chemicals in the industry. Made from fungi with integrated…
Victor Juárez’s background includes working with international cooperations, businesses, higher education, entrepreneurship, migration, tourism, and health in Central America. For the last two years…
Vinsighte is a digital health company that uses artificial intelligence technology to help visually impaired people live better and more convenient lives. They are…