Amiral Irmal
Amira she’s a social entrepreneur who founded her own startup in 2021, called “Mehan Houra”. She has an engineering background in automation and strives for a boundless career in a multinational company Schlumberger in Oil & Gas services. Amira is passionate about self-development, and a certified trainer from International Labour Organization ILO. She also works with the “Start and Improve Your Business” program, where she helps small companies and young entrepreneurs to shape their business models, and holds public speaking and design thinking workshop to help developing and growing the growth mindset.
Mehan Houra (refers to Free Trades in Arabic) is a mobile Application, with a marketplace for construction material & tools in Mechanical Electrical properties and an efficient flow of professional’s /contractor’s network that helps customers to save time, money, and energy. rather to use word of mouth and insufficient resources available on the market, we provide a product delivered straight to your door with a support of our advisor’s expert in their fields. Our adding value is PinkPRO a female contractor’s Network. Easy & reliable Professional services, that helps to provide decent employment and Gender inequality in the informal labour market.