Eyra Abraham
Eyra Abraham is a founder of Lisnen, a startup that is using AI to change the landscape of adaptive technologies for people with hearing loss. The Lisnen app helps users with situational awareness of critical sounds in the environment, like a fire alarm or siren, using their smart devices. Its aim is to give the deaf and hard of hearing independence and security anywhere they are. Eyra’s mission is to share insight into how technologies, particularly AI, can positively eliminate exclusions faced in our society. She is one of ForHumanity’s first auditors for evaluating the inclusion of people with disabilities in autonomous systems. Eyra is one of several advisory committee members to advance the inclusion of people with disabilities at both the federal and provincial levels and a steering committee member for Start Access, an initiative on AI equity with the American Association of People with Disabilities. Eyra Abraham is a public speaker and has been featured on TVO, CBC, Global News, and Globe and Mail, sharing her perspective on disability inclusion. In addition, she has been seen on the stage of Policy Horizons Canada, the a11yTO Conference, and the M-Enabling Conference. Her impact has garnered attention for her work, winning Canada’s Top 100 Black Women to Watch 2019 and the Most Impactful Awards with Women in IT Canada.