myStash enables formal and informal economy workers in Nigeria to build financial resilience by auto-saving a percentage of their earnings in USD. With the myStash app, formal economy workers can set a percentage of their salary to be saved at the point of Payroll, before their salary even gets to them. They achieve this by integrating the myStash API with that of various Payroll companies in Nigeria. By doing this, employees of companies that leverage these Payroll systems can save in this manner. More importantly, the savings are kept in USD to hedge against inflation, and they also earn interest. On the other hand, informal economy workers (who are not enrolled in the National Pension scheme) can also use the myStash app to save a percentage of whatever they earn. Hence, they can build financial safety nets for times of emergency, and save towards retirement. myStash is positioning Africa to compete on a global stage by empowering African formal and informal economy workers to build a savings and investment culture by hedging savings against inflation through the use of the dollar. This not only protects the purchasing power of these workers but also instills confidence in their long-term financial planning.