German Vegarra
German is the founder and CEO of ADAPTA, a climate data and intelligence company with operations in Africa and soon in North America. German is a World Bank International Finance Corporation (IFC) veteran with investment experience across Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Early in his career, he led IFC’s investments in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Korea and re-invigorated IFC’s presence in Indonesia, re-building IFC’s team and investing $1 billion post-Asia crisis. He was IFC’s Senior Manager of Financial Markets, where he developed and launched the G20-endorsed Global Trade Liquidity Program, raising $2 billion from the IFC and various governments. In 2007, he represented IFC as part of a small group at The Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center, where the “impact investment” movement was born. As IFC’s Global Head of Agribusiness, he launched the multi-donor $300 million Global Agriculture Food Security Program, the world’s first blended finance fund for agribusiness. He was last responsible for IFC’s manufacturing, agribusiness, and services industries in Africa.
German has been living between DC and Nairobi for the last eight years. He has an MBA from IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland, and an MA in Economics from American University in Washington, DC.