Kevin Yoo
Kevin Yoo is a serial entrepreneur with a background in industrial design from Pratt Institute. He has gained international recognition and awards for pushing sustainability, design, and technical innovations forward. Winning competitions such as the 100th year Bauhaus Awards, German Design Award, National Science Foundation, and more. Kevin founded WearWorks during his time in college and created a unique team with a mutual vision: inclusive design through touch.
Kevin has fully patented several technologies and designs internationally, including a novel wearable for precise navigation utilizing only the sense of touch, called WAYBAND™. Prior to WearWorks, he founded a sustainable furniture company called PewterCollection, which was shown in several galleries, including Art Basel. Natural curiosity in art and technology brought him to exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum, 3D printing the 15th century Medieval Rosary Bead in sugar, which was also served at the MET Gala.