Stephen Carter
Stephen Carter has been a professional in the Washington, D.C. area for over 12 years, managing high-profile construction projects and delivering customers the latest technology in mechanical, automation systems and building network infrastructure. He cofounded TRAXyL to help deliver high speed Internet to rural and digitally deprived communities. This effort is to provide people with more options for healthcare, education, and career choices, as well as ensure all societies stay connected as they prepare for evolving technologies. Carter is also a mentor to student-athletes at his alma mater, Radford University in Radford, Virginia, where he led the rugby team to the school’s first national championship of any kind, and paved the way for the team’s second just a few years later. In his free time, Carter enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters, is an active member of his church and enjoys spending time outdoors at his home in Winchester, Virgina.